So You Want To Own a Restaurant?
"I was amazed to find not only the volume of content but the quality and attention to detail of each section. Much like having a team of experts on staff for the restaurateur without the expense of having the team!"
Dave Wolfgram / Senior Restaurant Executive / SF Bay Area

front DOOR
This module is an intense learning experience. We focus our attention on history’s lessons, common threads of success and failure, human interactions and demonstrating simple yet powerful common sense solutions. The sections below are
overviews of the important organizational and operational areas that are covered in detail within the ThriveWYA product.
The public-facing front of your business is one of three important keys to success with customers. The others being the quality of your product and your staff's service and effectiveness. The first impression is when new customers walk through the front door. It’s where they enter into your world and form an “experience” with your business. That initial experience sets the tone and can create a long relationship or just a passing “I gave it a try”. Every customer has a development cost and the more they return, the less they cost you because of frequency and referrals. You must create a product that lingers!

back DOOR
The Back Door: It's really much more than just the kitchen. Initial company organization, infrastructure and operational planning should have happened before anything (not always the case) because those define business operations. Properly configured, it's operation must then be closely monitored for safety and security, efficiency, cleanliness and profitability.
Now, one of the biggest draws to your restaurant better be the food. It is planned, prepared and served from the back of the house. It's also a place where your profit can be lost quickly due to mismanagement, over-preparing, under-preparing, over-ordering and lack of tracking usage. It's a place where most injuries take place, where theft and loss often go undetected, where personalities clash and where harassments start and fester. It's also a potential source of food-borne illness. Kitchens can also be open and "on-display" are therefore must be "polished" enough to be part of a positive customer experience.

Have you ever heard the old saying? The smaller your dumpster the more profitable you are? While there are a lot of factors that affect profitability, waste is a big one! Restaurants that activity train staff and monitor food waste are generally more profitable than those that don’t. The garbage can may also be a place where theft is occurring and you may never see it.
Restaurants are a nickel and dime business - a lot of little things add up quickly. Over-trimming, over-ordering, expired foods, theft of raw ingredients, miscalculating serving sizes and not properly weighing foods are just some of the areas that make up the largest losses. This module deals with ingredient loss, recipe mistakes, excess food being thrown away, theft and errors that cost a restaurant dearly, and owners usually never see these big leaks. In a restaurant that’s doing $100,000 per month, these mistakes can easily lead to hundreds and even thousands of dollars in loss.